
Project SAFE-IN

“Strengthening Actions against Fraud: Empowering Whistleblowing Directive Compliance”

The SAFE-IN Project seeks to promote awareness and understanding of the new EU Whistleblowing Directive, contributing to its effective implementation by public authorities, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and public control entities. This will be achieved through the development of targeted training courses aimed at reducing and combating fraud and corruption, thereby protecting the financial interests of the European Union. Overall, the project provides concrete solutions to combat fraud by equipping stakeholders with the necessary tools and expertise to implement the new European directive effectively.

Background: Fraud remains a significant issue within the European Union, with the cost to both the EU budget and the national budgets of member states being substantial. Beyond financial losses, fraud erodes public trust in EU institutions and undermines the rule of law.

In response to this challenge, the European Parliament adopted the New EU Whistleblowing Directive in 2019. The directive aims to provide robust protection to whistleblowers who report violations of EU law across several sectors, including public procurement, financial services, environmental protection, and public health.

However, the current European context for implementing the directive is still evolving. According to a 2022 study by Transparency International EU, only a few member states had fully transposed the directive into national law and established effective mechanisms for whistleblower protection. This presents an opportunity for further action at both national and EU levels.

To achieve its general and specific objectives, the SAFE-IN project will be structured around three key actions:

✅In-depth Analysis and Needs Assessment:

    • ANCI Lombardia, supported by Transparency International Italia, will conduct a thorough analysis of the regulatory framework at both European and Italian levels, comparing the implementation of the new directive across member states
    • This analysis will also assess the needs of the target groups—public authorities, SMEs, and public control entities—regarding the implementation of the Whistleblowing Directive, identifying areas where training is most required

✅Design and Implementation of Targeted Training Courses:

    • ANCI Lombardia will develop three distinct training courses tailored for public authorities, SMEs, and public control entities. These courses will:
      • Combine theoretical knowledge with practical workshops
      • Focus on building capacity and raising awareness within each target group
      • Equip participants with the necessary tools to ensure the effective implementation of the directive

✅Dissemination of Guidelines and Best Practices:

    • In the final phase, the project will focus on sharing guidelines and best practices at the European level. These resources will be customized to meet the needs of public administration staff, municipalities, national authorities, companies, employers, employees, and the general public
    • The goal is to improve overall understanding and implementation of the new directive, fostering a more compliant and transparent environment

Through these actions, SAFE-IN will contribute to a more robust framework for whistleblower protection and fraud prevention across Europe, enhancing the integrity of both public and private sectors.

The project SAFE-IN Strengthening Actions against Fraud: Empowering whistleblowINg directive compliance, provides concrete solutions to effectively combat fraud by promoting awareness and equipping them with the necessary tools and expertise to implement the new European whistleblowing directive.