Commission published explanatory report outlining the implementation – application – limitations of Directive

We are pleased to inform you that on July 3, 2024, the European Commission published an explanatory report outlining the implementation and application limitations of Directive N. 1937/2019 on whistleblowing by individual Member States of the European Union.

The report is titled: “Report on the transposition of the Whistleblower Protection Directive (Directive 2019/1937 (EU)) on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law“.

“The reporting activity conducted by the Commission analyzes the transposition laws of the European Directive in the Member States and identifies the main issues found in most national legislations. A significant number of States are found to be imprecise in the adoption of the regulations, highlighting the presence of some unclear supranational legislative dictates, which have led to the development of regulatory principles that deviate from the intentions of the EU legislator. The Commission’s report also focuses on the internal reporting procedure, the handling of anonymous reports, the respect for confidentiality obligations, and the protection and support measures provided for whistleblowers. These areas were not the subject of investigation and in-depth analysis in our review, considering the compliance of national legislation with supranational standards” as mentioned by Transparency International Italy,.

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The project SAFE-IN Strengthening Actions against Fraud: Empowering whistleblowINg directive compliance, provides concrete solutions to effectively combat fraud by promoting awareness and equipping them with the necessary tools and expertise to implement the new European whistleblowing directive.