
Opening Registration: deadline 7 June 2024!

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⚠️There is still time to apply for european SAFE -IN project training courses about the wistleblowing directive, lead by ANCI Lombardia. The courses is direct to specific target groups: Public Administration, SMEs, and Public Controlled Entities. Courses, 12 hours per target group, will include classroom activities and online webinars. 👉Are you interested? Sign up now! Fulfil

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SAFE IN project: kick off meeting

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On Friday, March 1st, the kick-off meeting of the SAFE-IN Project, coordinated by ANCI Lombardia, took place. The project, funded under the EU Anti-Fraud Programme, is titled “Strengthening Actions against Fraud: Empowering Whistleblowing Directive Compliance (SAFE-IN)”. It was conceived in response to the

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The project SAFE-IN Strengthening Actions against Fraud: Empowering whistleblowINg directive compliance, provides concrete solutions to effectively combat fraud by promoting awareness and equipping them with the necessary tools and expertise to implement the new European whistleblowing directive.